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18 True Stories That Reveal
Your Freedom of Choice, Your Inherent Enlightenment,
Your Reality as Source, and So Much More!

Question? “What can you do with Self-Realization and Enlightenment?”
Answer! “The Impossible, that’s what!”
And then Mark broke all the rules of Self-Realization and Enlightenment in one sentence.
“You are the Infinite, Source, have always been Source, will always be Source. It couldn’t be any simpler than that.”
“It is so simple that the mind really has no way to grasp it.”
Within the pages of this book are the true stories of those lucky few who encountered “Mark”, a hidden master on a small island in the middle of the Pacific ocean.
In an unsuspected and surprising turn of events, they found themselves face-to-face with a spiritual master, whose unassuming nature belied his profound wisdom.
Mark not only revealed and explained how mundane the “Impossible” was, he actually did it.
From time dilation to invisibility, reality bubbles to teleportation, mind reading to accessing infinite worlds, manipulation of matter, weather, all the things that science says are impossible, Mark casually did like it was nothing out of the ordinary.
As Nicole said when first meeting him, “So you’re Mark, to think I have traveled the world for years in search of an enlightened master, only to find him in a small gift store on Kauai.”
You Are Source confirms you are much more than you believe. And with an open mind, these stories will lead to your instantaneous Self-Realization and that eternal touch of the infinite - Enlightenment.
What Readers Are Saying...

From Those Who Were There

Bill, not-bill reaction, Oct 8, 2022
Chapter 4
Mark Naea is the real deal. He’s not one to expound words of wisdom that sound good but leave you unchanged. Quite the contrary, as the life stories in this book reveal, he’s an echo chamber reflecting back each person’s inner knowingness as source until there’s a letting go. It always amazes me how those who encounter him are presented with the opportunity to shift in their understanding of who they are. Something realigns and everything changes. That something is always different for each person, but the change is undeniably profound and permanent.
I’ve known “not-Mark” for several years now and have had the privilege of being present as an observer for a few of his interactions. It’s really fun. I am usually able to sense when that ah-ha moment is about to happen during his conversations. There’s a back and forth with the person actually talking to themselves as ‘source’, and then Mark poses a self-reflecting question, like “Who’s asking?” or “Who wants to know?.” At that point space and time start to ripple, things slow down, and everything gets real quiet. I can’t help but hold my breath. You can actually sense an inner, hidden awareness turning itself inside out. You witness that simple question leading not to an answer, but to an awakened awareness. A shock wave emanates through the Universe, and it is done.
I so appreciate that Mark has succinctly captured real life moments of individual experiences in this, his first book (yes, Mark, it’s only your first). I’ve known of many of these encounters, and have been surprised by others. One thing for sure, Mark has a phenomenal awareness of detail and story telling that helps bring these moments alive for us to enjoy. So, whether you have ‘dropped’ or not, you’ll get insight into how differently we all approach self-identity and the discovery of who we truly are.

Ali, not-ali reaction, Nov 23, 2022
Chapter 13
I remember the moment exactly when I dropped. It was in the fall of 2007. I had been working with Mark not-mark for about a year. I was getting ready for a trip and I had to “charge” a bunch of different Reiki water formulas. I had all my formula pages and bottles ready and did some qi kung, yoga and chanting, to supposedly raise my energy. After about an hour, I sat down and started with the first formula. As I was doing Reiki on the bottled water, I thought “everything should be like this-effortless”.
As soon as that thought appeared, I had a feeling of complete peace and calm come over me, like never before. I had a feeling that something profound had happened, as I was not feeling any stress as I was packing. Upon my return, I confronted Mark, telling him I thought I had dropped. He took, at the least, an unnerving 2 minutes to grill me, then confirmed it. I feel totally indebted to Mark for his guidance as I cannot help but live life “being in the flow”. I still do NOT feel any stress. Also, my cat at the time changed and became much more mellow! Mahalo not Mark!
About Mark
"from one thing, know ten thousand things"
Miyamoto Musashi
10,000 Books Later
In high school of the late 70s, that quote sparked a literary fire within Mark Naea for answers. Ten thousand books later, Mark has reversed it. Distilling all he read, experienced, and pursued to its fundamental purest essence. “From ten thousand things, know one thing.”
Distillation is the process of purification, to extract and render down to its fundamental quintessence, revealing its rarest elements or most subtle principles. I started my distillation project more than fifty years ago. At the age of five, I asked why?
Two things set me apart from the beginning, my ability to recall what I have read or seen almost photographically, and the long-term processing, cross-referencing, connecting the dots and relationships that were made with seemly no connections other than pure insight.
This was all done in the background, in that undefined realm of the psyche. Millions of bits of information, being constantly collated into a coherent picture that explained why.
After five decades of distillation, having read ten thousand books, countless articles, studies and theories, thousands of hours of media, lectures, movies, not to mention access to the billions of info bits at your fingertips from the internet, it all boiled down to one word: Paradox.
You are Source, the infinite in the singularity, the singularity in the infinite, how it all works, why it all works, understood without understanding. All is paradox, revealed in the stories I have written.
A native of Kauai for fifty-plus years, Mark is self-educated in many diverse disciplines. From multiple fields of science, history, programing, physics and relativity to alternate realities, metaphysical experiences, spirituality, religions, eastern thought and practices, to the most elusive quest of them all: enlightenment.
In his debut book “You are Source”, Mark shares the events and stories that placed him as the top spiritual / metaphysical guide on Kauai. As one person said when first meeting him, “So you’re Mark, to think I have traveled the world in search of an enlightened master, only to find him in a small gift store on Kauai.”
Mark is a rare soul, a prodigious reader, is genuine, interesting, loves to cook and a true Hidden Master.

Mark, Øm not-mark
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From Mark, Øm Not-Mark.